Blue Cards

Blue Cards are essential for any volunteer position working directly with children or on the pool deck. That includes coaches, referees, team managers, and table officials.

Existing Blue Card / Exemption

If you have a Blue Card or an exemption (e.g. teachers), please send the following details to and we will add you to our register - an essential step before you take on one of these volunteer roles with the club.

  • your name
  • date of birth
    • unfortunately this is required by the Blue Card Services system to link your card to our register
  • Blue Card or exemption card number

New Applications

If you don't have a Blue Card, fortunately the process is free and fairly easy. The basic process is

  1. Go to and log in (e.g. with driver's licence details) or register for an online account
  2. Start the application process for a "blue card as a volunteer or student"
  3. Part way through the process you will see a message that says "We need more information from your volunteer organisation"
  4. Once you see this message, send an email to with the subject "Blue card" and include your
    1. Name
    2. ⁠Blue card account number - this will have been emailed to you once you see the message in step 3
    3. ⁠Date of birth
  5. The Registrar will email you once you have been linked to the club in the portal - you may then log back into and complete the application process

The video below covers the process well.

Applications are processed within 28 working days by Blue Card Services, but can be much much faster.

You will receive an email when your application has been application has been approved with the card details - you can work with children from receipt of this email. A physical card will follow in the mail some time later.

There is no need to forward the card details to RiverCity when you receive them - RiverCity can access those details through the link in the Blue Card Services portal.


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